Reflected XSS In

In July 2014, I found an obvious reflected XSS vulnerability in DesignCrowd. In the interest of responsible disclosure, I submitted a report to the company at that time, and I can’t remember if I ever heard back. This draft post has been collecting dust ever since, so I’m finally publishing it today.

Cracking JXcore… Again

In a previous article, I investigated the security claims of a product called JXcore. That has turned out to be one of the most popular (of the relatively few) articles on my blog. Not long after I posted it, I was informed that JXcore had fixed the security flaws that I pointed out. Taking them at their word, I updated that article with a note about this claim, but I never actually investigated the claim to see if it is true.

Cracking JXcore

Recently, a co-worker was trying to figure out how to protect a node.js project from reverse engineering and modification. Of course, programmers have spent decades trying to figure out ways to allow an end user to run a program without letting the end user reverse engineer or modify the program, and I’ve never heard of anybody successfully doing it. At best, the program is still insecure and the developers have only managed to piss off their high-paying customers.

So naturally, my skepti-larm was blaring when my coworker sent me the link for JXcore.

Briefcase Locks

I like trying to describe technical concepts to non-technical people. Everybody deserves (and needs!) a basic understanding of the things they use and rely on every day. One of the most important things you use online is your password – or hopefully many different passwords.

CISSP Review

The CISSP has become one of the hottest certifications to have (especially in the DC area) because of the growing budget for information security. But the CISSP exam itself has some major flaws, leading me to wonder if this is a valuable certification for individuals, companies, or society at large. (Disclaimer: I am a CISSP.)

Prefix Sum Kernel Visualizations

I am taking the Coursera HPP course, and I just finished watching lectures 6-2 and 6-3. The visualizations of the prefix sum kernels in these two lectures are hard to understand because there are lots of curvy and overlapping arrows. I put together some cleaner, larger visualizations to show how these kernels work. Hopefully this will be of use to other Coursera students.

reCAPTCHA Is A Blight

I’ve noticed recently (more and more) that reCAPTCHA is getting really hard to solve. Really hard. Actually, it’s frequently impossible. Google either needs to fix it or website owners need to stop using it.

CouchDB Views in Python

I’ve been interested in CouchDB lately, and since I’m primarily working in Python, I naturally want to use the two together. There’s a pretty nice module called couchdb-python that makes it easy to get connected, create, edit, and delete documents, but the paucity of information on how to write CouchDB views in Python is laughable.